Dec '18 Buildings Minutes
They were available all month through the button on the page, here is another copy.
Buildings Committee Minutes
Date: Dec 18th, 2018
Attendance - Thomas, Taften, Drew, Nadja, Garry, Corey
Old Business
Review of Insurance Claim Denial
Pending review/update from Alyssa
Road Work outside of Cityview Cooperative
Need to update/change the contact with our external vendors
Official response to official complaint to MN PUC; ultimately, this was an internal comm issue
Taking up with the Board in January
Woody’s work
All work from the original bid back in Sept has been completed. (1801 Front railing, gutters, trim and patching basement walls and the window from 1801)
He is able to come out and cut that hole on Thursday (1801 Building falling dust issue)
Check the security light at the back corner of 1807 for range and area; may need a new light (possible order)
Pending update from Garry 12/19
Taften will double-check on 12/19 evening to confirm
Reserved parking signs soon to be ordered and will be up as soon as possible
Would love any help from volunteers!
Wall cracks -- possible issue(s) in 1801
Taften: Inspection of 1801 building to be scheduled ASAP and maybe all 3 buildings with a Structural Engineer.
Nadja to get names to Taften of who has been contacted already.
Workers Comp Insurance: We need to find new coverage. Our current contract will be honored until Feb.
Need to read policy and see what/who is all covered and shop for a new vendor.
Next Meeting: Jan 15th, 2019 @ 7 PM
Taften to send out an email doodle with possible day of the week change for meetings.
New business
If you bring new business without giving me notice, then please be prepared to speak on the issue, the solutions, and/or what work/time you are willing to put into the problem/solution.
All quotes & quotes for work required to CC
Window issues, please report window issues here.
Buildings To-Do List:
Any and all residents and neighbors can help with these! Thank you if you are willing and able to take these on -- please send me a note via email, text message or phone call to notify me that this is being worked on!
Vacuuming of the floors (weekly)
Washing of door windows (weekly)
New Hinges for Office Door
Pending update from Drew
Woody to fix the broken window in the back of 1801 -- pending completion from resizing of window
Carpeting project: start getting estimates for total cost of project
Pending bids
Intercom improvement project
Pending bids
Laundry Room risers for washers and dryers with pull out board for a resting place for laundry basket
Taften to follow up with Woodie
Any resident can get a quote through home advisor, simply keep me in the loop for approvals
Fence door locks need silicone based WD40 lubricant to prevent freezing and sticking (monthly in winter)
Trans Alarm - Instructional Videos & materials need to be completed
Roofing contractor for white roof instead of standard black
Looking through roof materials to see when roofing work done and due.
Light in front of 1811, Mike O’s unit outside the front gate in lamp on brick pedestal.