Oct '18 Buildings Meeting Minutes
Buildings Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: Oct. 16th, 2018
Attendance - Corey, Drew, Nadja, Thomas and Taften
Old Business
Intercom repairs and reviews: Coming out the week of October 1
This didn’t happen, the person never showed up and I forgot to do a follow-up call on the 1st; Taften will call ASAP
Update: List of intercom problems: Julia, Cody, Leif, Sue, Kris.
We’ve reached out to, and are pending updates from, these vendors:
Intercom upgrades (third bid, TBD) as well as repairs (above)
New business
Fire extinguisher work: Was a bill/invoice ever sent to us?
Nadja requesting documents from the wall collapse and insurance claim information
Alyssa’s father to review for potential fighting of the insurance claim’s decision
Taften emailed Alyssa; working to get the documents to her for review
Drew is requesting new hinges for the office door
Should be a minimal cost project; Drew to execute with help from Thomas & Taften
Carpeting quote: Shaw Flooring, came from Costco vendor
Early September measurement for new carpeting, as well as information in regards to warranties. Bids below were for high-end samples
Comes with a specific bulk discount due to yardage we are purchasing
With stairs: $15k
With basement: $24k
Roofing: Flash catching due to be installed 10/17/18, Taften to call to confirm. Update: will be installed and all roofing work to be completed this week.(10/29/18) Taften spoke to John at Flynn roofing. He is also putting together the work history and general guidelines for how and when maintenance is needed.
Next Meeting: Nov 13th, 2018 at 7pm.
Check on entry way of 1801 for possible termites or other pests. Something falling from ceiling and gathering in the corner.
Check the security light at the back corner of 1807.
Check with Woody about what is still needed to be completed.
Standing Buildings To-Do List: Any and all residents and neighbors can help with these!
Thank You to Val, Doug, and Taften who helped tackle items on this list!
Railing repair at 1801, front railing into cement. Look into contractors, multiple options (April Notes)
Railing repaired by Woody. Done
Broken window from back of 1801, near the back door. Single pane of glass and connectors to frame needed.(May)
Trans Alarm - Instructional Videos & materials need to be completed
Roofing contractor for white roof instead of standard black
Carpeting project: start getting estimates for total cost of project
Laundry Room risers for washers and dryers with pull out board for a resting place for laundry basket
Fence door locks having issues in winter (need a permanent fix)
Get hours and listed jobs for easy sign up posted on the website and linked through google.
Intercom bids and repair. Also bids for security cameras, maybe an all in one.