Sept. '18 Buildings Meeting Minutes
Buildings Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: Sept 11th, 2018
Attendance - Thomas, Corey, Taften, Julia in attendance
Old Business
We need to vote on the two best options for Washing Machine replacement:
Option A: Maytag with 5-year warranty
Unanimous vote - and cost w/in $2k approved range from 8/28 Board Mtg
Option B: SpeedQueen with 3-year warranty
Update 9/18/18 Maytag machine delivered. It is very low. Woody has gotten a bid for all other work but not the washing machine risers. I have asked him again if it is something he can make happen. In the mean time, would we like a base under that machine? We can do up to 10 inches.
Intercom repairs and reviews: Coming out the week of October 1
We’ve reached out to, and are pending updates from, these vendors:
Intercom upgrades (third bid, TBD) as well as repairs (above)
Woody also looked at this on 9/11/18
Roofing (Update 9/17/18 Email from John at Flynn with a Bid)
Fire Extinguishers - (Update 9/20/18 - Inspection complete)
Pest Control (Comes out monthly and can be asked into a unit anytime he’s out)
Contractor Woody Dixon at CVC to give a bid on:
Railing repair at 1801
Broken window from back of 1801, near the back door. That window also needs new sealant.
Woody is already gone but I will get a bid on the same windows Acme bid on for sealant.
Gutters for front of building
Trim in the back of 1807 and 1811 basement hallway
Laundry Room risers (24inches) for washers and dryers with pull out board for a resting place for laundry basket
Basement hallways for sealant repair over limestone
New business
Is there a Buildings To-Do list (vacuuming, washing walls, etc)
Yes! We (Bilbaughs) are working to get this more prominently shared and posted on Buildings page
Is my roommate allowed to do work for Buildings, Grounds, etc?
Yes! So long as it is booked by “household” -- i.e. 1801 #2, 1811 #6, etc, then yes! We welcome all help
Standing Buildings To-Do List: Any and all residents and neighbors can help with these!
Thank You to Val, Doug, and Taften who helped tackle items on this list!
Railing repair at 1801, front railing into cement. Look into contractors, multiple options (April Notes)
Broken window from back of 1801, near the back door. Single pane of glass and connectors to frame needed.(May)
Trans Alarm - Instructional Videos & materials need to be completed
Look into heating elements for gutter in back of 181
Roofing contractor for white roof instead of standard black
Carpeting project: start getting estimates for total cost of project
Trim is falling off in 1811/1807 buildings (Woody looking at this 9/11/18)
Laundry Room risers for washers and dryers with pull out board for a resting place for laundry basket
Fence door locks having issues in winter (need a permanent fix)