4.26.18 Ground Meeting Minutes
Grounds Meeting 4.26.18
In attendance: VB, EB, CG, TDB and NG
The Master’s Groundworks contract still there and valid. We also have the new person Shelly and the majority of work will be going through her and the remaining will go to The Master’s Groundsworks. Larger clean up projects and pruning to be done by MG, on going planting and weeding, general up keep to be done by Shelly (Neva’s Garden).
Clean up and other activities: Group activities or list of to-do and sign up on the website.
CG and EB prefer group. NG likes to do work on her own. TDB doesn’t care either way.
There will be organized activities for larger events - such and Spring and Fall Clean Up and Prep, a list of smaller activities will be posted on the website.
Shed cleanup/organize for summer time. We need volunteers. CG and TBD will put some time into the shed this weekend.
Window boxes: Up to $15 for individual members to go ahead and get their own flowers for them and ask for reimbursement.
Reason: in the past, people have requested flowers but then didn’t pick them up and we had to scramble to use them before they died.
Car tags for the parking lot to quickly identify: VB would like 4 tags per house. Have the individual household pay for the tags, depending on the cost. Also, have one for Lee the accountant. Most other present, other than NG, thought 2 would be sufficient. Agreed to start with 2, can purchase additional if needed by household.
Winter shoveling:
Some areas are no being shoveled in a timely manner. Do we go with a contracted company again (not master ground works because they are so expensive)? Email list? Post some ideas on the website or use the website to sign up.
Have a person sign up for a week at a time and that person would be the POC (point of contact).
Print simple instructions for the snow blower by next season.
Ongoing discussion to take place over the summer on website forum, decision to be made before next snow season.
NG - Would like to start the conversation replanting of the tree in the back that was taken down.
How to get the membership respond to decisions. Have great notes for meetings and use the forum. Have simple votes and keep track for transparency.
Rain barrel removal: gutter company. ‘Minnehaha building maintenance’ for gutter repair and cleaning. This will be a Building Committee project.
Compost bin in the stairs under 1801: many year project that never took off or went anywhere. We don’t have a place for it.
VB recommends we sell the composter. Vote: VB yes, CG yes, EB yes, TDB yes.
Garbage and recycling bins outside (tan ones on each side of yard) need to be checked/emptied weekly or have someone signed up like lawn mowing.