AGENDA: Sat. Dec. 9th M&M Meeting
Cityview Marketing & Membership Committee Meeting Agenda
Saturday December 9th at 10:00 am
In deference to keeping our meetings less than an hour long, we’ll be moving at a reasonable clip with project triage to prioritize our activities.
Agenda Submission-Nadja
Minimum notice for membership applicant interviews.
New Workgroup
Because the last two meetings have been postponed and we have so much ongoing business, I’m recommending we create a workgroup (sub-committee), called the Protocol Standardization Workgroup to allow interested members to work together online, and outside of, M&M Committee meetings on revisions to the two policy/protocol documents we’ve been working on.
Website Task Force Update
Reformatting Logos from Website and Drafting Content for Cityview Corner Sign
To be done in coordination with the Grounds Committee
Cityview Informational Meetings
Discuss organizing a series of meetings with experts about Cityview systems and logistics. In the past, some ideas have included:
Meeting with Co-op insurance agent to explain policy and answer questions
Meeting with fire alarm rep to explain tech panels and answer questions
Meeting with designer of wastewater drainage system to explain how it works and answer questions
Meeting with Realtor who sold last few units to describe the selling process and answer questions
Meeting with WiFi rep to explain our system and answer questions
Revisions to “Welcome to Cityview” Packet
Developing Cityview “Code of Conduct”
Examples of Cityview Logos: drafts used over last couple of years